Fun in the Sun or Defeat in the Heat?

Did you know that the number of hot days—and warm nights—is increasing? In the U.S., record high temperatures now outnumber record lows at least two to one. What can you do to protect yourself in a heat wave—or simply in the hot summer sun? Know signs of trouble. Heat...

Ways to Keep Air Clean in the Home

Pollution is hazardous for your heart and can wreak havoc if you have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). “COPD stands for two processes that almost always occur together: chronic bronchitis, which is inflammation of the airways, and...

HOW’S YOUR SLEEP? 3 Kinds of Sleep Disorders

How many Zzzzz’s are you catching every night? For an estimated 50-70 million Americans, sleep is disrupted by a sleep disorder. There are three main types of sleep disorders that individuals can suffer from, each providing their own challenges. Insomnia – This...